Tracey & Jim, Hermien & Pete with Raj, March 2010

Travelling with Raj in the White Ambassador was great! I love the Ambassador- elegant, a touch of class, an antique style car with modern day comfort – good suspension (essential for the bumpy, pot-holed Indian roads) and lots of room. (We travelled with two friends and all four of us squeezed in!). But travelling with Raj was the best thing. He was fun to be with, open and honest.

Forthright, he was never shy about giving his opinion on any subject, and because he spoke excellent English he was able to answer all of the questions that came to my mind – from ‘what’s that’? when we saw some strange food stuff when passing through a village, to what was life like being a driver, to his views on arranged marriage. Raj made us laugh, gave great reccomendations for hotels/restaurants/shops and took great care of us in every way.